
Hey there!  Thanks for stopping by.  I'm just a guy who has been many things: A sandwich maker.  An flashcard maker.  A diaper changer.  A tickle machine.  A shoulder rubber.  A grill master.  A dreamer and a scribe.  But most importantly, I'm a regular dude who's daddy to two ridiculously handsome boys and husband to a wonderful and very patient wife.

The Pelican Bar in Jamaica.  Interesting place.
My career poses some interesting challenges to my home life.  I'm an airline pilot.  That means I'm gone a lot.  Among other things, this blog may tell you how I cope with being away and what I do to make every minute count when I'm home.  You'll also get to hear a few of the more frustrating (and awesome) aspects of my career choice, as it relates to my family life.

Welcome.  But try not to trip on the Legos.

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